Course Description

PCLV 101:     ACADEMIC WRITING 1                                                                                                         2 CREDITS

GOAL: To understand the need for proper usage of grammar and construction of appropriate sentences in academic writings


  • To identify the proper  usage of parts of speech
  • To understand how to construct appropriate sentence
  • To know and use various types of referencing


Issues pertaining to grammar (nominal group; verbal group; verbs and their importance); writing procedure; paragraph structures; appropriate introduction and conclusion with examples; development of paragraphs; quoting and paraphrasing; avoidance of plagiarism; synthesis; structure of sentences; punctuation; referencing and referencing styles.



Liss, R., & Davis, J. (2012). Effective academic writing Book 3,Oxford: Oxford University Press

McWhorter, K. T. (2005). Reading across disciplines. New York: Longman

Savage, A.& Mayer, P. (2010). Effective academic writing Book 2, Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Silvia, P. J. (2007). How to write a lot: A practical guide to productive academic writing, 1st  Edition. Washington  D. C.: American Psychological Association

Whitaker, A. (2009). Academic writing guide: A step-by-step guide to writing academic papers.

Retrieved November 7, 2013. Available from



PCLV 102:     ACADEMIC WRITING II                                                                                                       2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course is built on Academic Writing I with the general aim of guiding students to acquire the necessary skills that would enable them to critique academic writings in their fields of study.


Identification of grammatical errors; how to extract important information from writings; summary (the process of summarising, summary and sentence; summary and paragraph); kinds of evidence and processes of assessing them; strong and weak argument; the need to write from different sources such as text books, internet, journal reports, newspapers articles, theses, etc.; parts of research essays (introduction, body, conclusion, references).



Liss, R., &  Davis, J. (2012). Effective academic writing. Student Book 3, Oxford: Oxford University Press

McWhorter, K. T. (2005). Reading across disciplines. Book 2. New York: Longman

Savage, A.  & Mayer, P. (2010). Effective academic writing. Book 2, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Silvia, P. J. (2007).  How to write a lot: A practical guide to productive academic writing, 1st  Edition. Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association

Whitaker, A. (2009). Academic writing guide: A step-by-step guide to writing academic papers. Retrieved November 7, 2013. Available from:



PCLV 103:     EVERYDAY FRENCH                                                                                                            2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course is intended to equip students with proficiency in a second foreign language apart from English as their first foreign language through the communicative approach and dialogues.


  • To appreciate Phonetics, basic grammar, vocabulary and oral situational expressions.
  • To be provided with information on the French people, especially with reference to iconic landmarks.
  • To communicate with French-speakers, especially their neighbours as the case may be and to use their language skills for tourism, business, further studies, jobs requiring the relevant foreign language, research and easy communication.



The course covers basic French structures, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and patterns of pronunciations, basic grammar, and phonetics.



Bescherelle. (1997). La conjugaison pour tous. Paris. Hatier

Boularès M. etFrérot J-L. (1997): Grammaire progressive du français. Paris: CLE International

Capelle G., Menard R. (2009). Le nouveau Taxi 1. Paris: Hachette Livre

Collins R. (2006). French dictionary: Glasgow: Collins Harper.

Dominique, P., Girardet, J., Verderlhan M. etVerderlhan M. (1993): Le nouveau sans frontières. Paris: CLE International.

Martins, C. etMabilat, J-J. (2003): Conversations pratiques de l’oral. Paris:Didier

Menand, R. (2009): Le nouveau Taxi 2. Paris Hachette Livre



PCLV 104:     COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT                                                                     2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course promotes effective communication skills essential for academic and professional success. Visual analysis and presentation strategies are employed to emphasize the importance of adapting communication to the intended audience.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  • Organize information into a clear, coherent message to fulfill a purpose while considering the effect on the environment.
  • Support ideas with information to compose written, spoken and visual messages.
  • Integrate a documentation system to credit the use of information and ideas generated through research.
  • Practise active dialogue for personal, professional and academic purposes in different environments.



Understanding Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication, Gender and Communication, Public Speaking, Public Speaking, Communication Ethics and Law, Strategies of Communication, Persuasion and Change.



Lennie, J., & Tachhi, J. (2013). Evaluating communication for development: A framework for social change. London: Routledge.

Mody, B. (2003). International and development communication: A 21st-Century perspective. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications

Mefalopulos, P. (2008). Development communication sourcebook: Broadening the boundaries of communication.Washington:World Bank.

Servaes, J. (2008). Communication for development and social change. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications

Steeves, H.L.& Melkote, S.R. (2001). Communication for development in the third world. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications


PCLV 105:     EVERYDAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                                                                  2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course deals with the application of science and technology to everyday life


  • To help students make a paradigm shift in their understanding and use of science and technology in their lives.


The contribution of science and technology (ICT) to human existence, issues in religion and science, issues in religion and environment, genetics and its contribution to human life, common diseases and their prevention, forms of energy and their uses, mental health, issues in stress management, Sexual Behaviour and Reproductive Health


Agha, S. (2000). An evaluation of adolescent sexual health programs in Cameroon, Botswana,

South Africa, and Guinea (Population Services International Research Division Working Paper No. 29). Washington, DC: Population Services International.

Bauchspies, W., Croissant, J & Sal, R. (2005). Science, Technology and Society: A Sociological Approach. Wiley-   Blackweel.

Jasanoff, S., Bowker, G.C. & Pinch, T. (2009). An introduction to science and technology studies, second edition. Cambridge: Wiley-Blackwell

Jasanoff, S. Markle, Gerald, Peterson, James & Pinch, T. (eds.). (1994). Handbook of science

and technology studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Latour, B. (2004). Politics of nature: How to bring the science into democracy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Miller, G. Y. & Spoolman, S. (2010). Environmental science. New Delhi, Victoria: Cengage Learning

Restivo, S. ed (2005). Science, Technology and Society:  An Encyclopaedia. New York: Oxford.


PCLV 106: TRADITIONAL PATTERNS OF LEARNING                                                                       2 CREDITS

GOAL: The course looks into traditional / Indigenous patterns of learning in Ghana/Africa. Learning patterns in selected traditional institutions like Chieftaincy and the nurturing of leaders, initiation rites and rituals and festivals will be examined. Efforts will be made to establish integration between traditional patterns of learning and contemporary issues.


  • To enable students discover educational resources in African contexts.
  • To enable students identify cultural categories in the interpretation for contemporary development.
  • To enable students attach significance to pre-missionary learning patterns.


The Nature of African Religions, Indigenous Knowledge and Value Systems, The Nature of Learning Patterns, Educational Moments in Traditional Education, Rites of Passage, Pedagogy of Traditional Education, Pedagogy of Traditional Education, Educational Resources, Leadership Formation Patterns, Leadership Formation Patterns, Indigenous Resources and Contemporary Development: Friends or Foes?


Gyekye, K. (1987). An Essay on African Philosophical Thought: the Akan Conceptual Scheme.Philadelphia: Temple University Press

——————–(1996) African Cultural Values: An Introduction. Accra: Sankofa Publishing Company

Odotei, I.K., and Awedoba, A. K. (2006). Chieftaincy in Ghana: Culture, Governance and Development Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Opuni-Frimpong K.(2012). African Indigenous Knowledge System and Christian Missions, Accra:Sonlife Press

Wiredu, K.(1980). Philosophy and an African Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,



PCLV 107: NUMERACY SKILLS                                                                                                                2 CREDITS

GOAL: The course aimed at equipping students with the elementary skills in numeracy needed in everyday’s life.


  • To understand the application of mathematical functions to life situations
  • To understand the application of simple statistics


Elementary algebra (addition, subtraction, multiplication, ratios, percentages, simple and compound interests); mathematical reasoning (inductive and deductive reasoning, sets); Probability; Statistics (data, central tendency, frequency distributions, tables (e.g., cross tabulation), different types of charts; histograms, using excel to create charts and graphs; Levels of measurements, measures of variation (range, mean absolute deviation, variance and standard deviation), quartiles and percentiles, linear regression and correlation, chi-square).


Bluman, A.G. (2004). Elementary statistics: a step by step approach. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Mason, R.D., Lind, D.A., & Marchal, W.G. (1999). Statistical techniques in business and economics, 10th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Nsowah-Nuamah, N.N.N. (2005).  A handbook of descriptive statistics for social and biological sciences. Accra: Acadec Press.

PCLV 108: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN STUDIES                                                                           2 CREDITS

GOAL:  The course is designed to highlight on the essential elements of African philosophy and to help students to appreciate critically the views and thoughts of the African.


  • To introduce students to philosophical thought in African cultures, emphasizing its relation and relevance to contemporary African cultures and development.


African cosmologies, concepts of God, the deities, ancestors; African communal and individualist values, concept of the human being, destiny, evil and ethics/morality, gender and race, culture and development, Africa in the Contemporary World, Traditional patterns of learning.



Geisler, N. L. and Feinberg, P. D. (1980). Introduction to philosophy: a Christian perspective.Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

Gyekye, K. (1986). African Cultural Values: An Introduction. Accra: Sankofa Publishing Company.

Gyekye, K. (1987). An essay on African philosophical thought: the Akan conceptual Scheme.Philadelphia: Temple University Press

Odotei, I.K., and Awedoba, A. K. (2006). Chieftaincy in Ghana: Culture, Governance and Development Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Opuni-Frimpong, K., (2012). .African Indigenous Knowledge System and Christian Missions, Accra: Sonlife Press

Wiredu, K., (1980). Philosophy and an African Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


PCLV 110: AFRICAN LITERATURE                                                                                                           2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course is essentially a literary survey of works by some renowned African writers. Students will be introduced to such thematic concerns in contemporary African literature as negritude, gender and sexuality, power relations and social, cultural and political regeneration in post-colonial Africa.


  • To identify and use literary terms
  • To analyse different kinds of literature – short stories, novels, drama and poetry
  • To read, understand and write different kinds of literary essays


Course activities will be centred on reading and analysis of literary text. Selections from works by writers like Chinua Achebe, Ayi Kwei Armah, Wole Soyinka, Ngugiwa Thiongo, Kwame Nkrumah, Alex La Guma, Efua Sutherland, Amu Djoleto, Nawal el Sadaawi, Ama Ata Aidoo, Kofi Awoonor, will be studied with the view to giving students some grounding in literary studies through an appreciation of work from some of the continent’s contemporary literary icons.



Achebe, C. (1975) “The Novelist as a Teacher”. Morning, yet on Creation Day. London: Heinemann

Aidoo, A.A. (2002). The girl who can. Edinburgh: Heinemann

Brooks, C. & Warren, R. P. (1980). Understanding poetry. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.

Djoleto, A. (1975). Money galore. Oxford: Heinemann

Orwell, G. (1996). “Politics in the English language” in 20th Century Literary Criticism. London: Longman

Teiko, N. O. (2011). Themes and Characterisation in Amu Djoleto’s Money Galore. Accra: Akrong Publication.


PCLV 201: CHRISTIAN ETHICS                                                                                                                3 CREDITS

GOAL: This course which deals with the sources and characteristics of Christian ethical teachings, aims at preparing students to stand out in the performance of their responsibilities from the crowd.


  • To understand the sources and characteristics of Christian ethics
  • To exhibit exemplary character and academic excellence through self-discipline.
  • To inculcate and develop Christian Values and Skills that will make them unique in their chosen field of study


General introduction to ethics. Distinctive characteristics of Christian Ethics. Development of Old Testament Ethics. Some ethical teachings of Jesus, Paul, the Reformers. Some contemporary social problems considered from Christian ethical and moral perspectives, e.g., genetic engineering, abortion, extra-marital relations, teenage pregnancy, corruption, indiscipline, gambling, drug addiction, religion and morality, stewardship, sex and marriage, honesty, conscience, love, justice, integrity, civility, the role of Holy Spirit in moral life, Church-State relations, work ethic, gospel and culture.



Anderson, K. (2005). Christian ethics in plain language. Nashville: Nelson Reference & Electronic

Augustine. (2004), The City of God. Penguin Classics,

Banner, M. C. (2009). Christian Ethics: A Brief History. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Fletcher, Joseph (1966). Situation Ethics: New Morality. London, England: Westminster, John Knox Press

Gooding, D. & Lennox J. (2011). The Bible and ethic. New Ireland: The Myrtlefield Trust.

Hoose, B. (1998). Christian ethics: An introduction. London: Liturgical Press.

Livingston, J. C., et al. (2006) Modern Christian Thought: The Twentieth Century. 2nd ed. Londong: Fortress Press

Oliphint, K. Scott. (2006), Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology.

Phillipsburg, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company

Wogaman, J. P. (2009). Moral dilemmas: an introduction to Christian ethics. Westminster John Knox Press.

Yalley, D. (2008). A Christian Perspective of Sexual Morality among the Youth in Ghana. Tema: Raqeem Press.



PCLV 202:  CRITICAL THINKING AND PRACTICAL REASONING                                              2 CREDITS

GOAL: The main aim of the course is to create people who can think independently and act confidently, holistically and responsibly by using their “intellect,” and also be in charge of their thinking.


  • To understand elementary inductive and deductive reasoning;
  • To identify and understand basic formal and informal fallacies of language and thought;
  • To identify assumptions upon which conclusions are made;
  • To develop Problem-solving Skills through reasoning based on syllogism.


Introduction To Critical Thinking, Why Study It, A Short History, Is Man the Reasoning Animal? Understanding Arguments As Building Blocks Of Reason; Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning, How To Structure Essays, Presentations?, And Debates; How to use and Quote Sources Argumentative Essay, Debates And Other Oral Arguments, Credibility and Sources, Irrationality: Cognitive Biases. Emotional Approach – What’s Going on when we are Irrational?; What is the place of Emotions in Persuasion? Cognitive biases Cognitive biases Persuasion.


Richard, P., & Linder, E. (2012). Tools for taking charge of your life. London: Pearson.

Richard L. E., (2002), Critical Thinking. London: Thomson Learning Berkshire House.

Schick, T., & Vaughn, L. (2013). How to think about weird things: critical thinking for a new age, 7th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill

Thompson, A. (2008). Critical reasoning: A practical introduction. London: Routledge

PCLV 203:     ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                                                                         2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course provides an overview of the entrepreneurship process.


  • To introduce non-business students to entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship process, identifying and recognizing opportunities, models of entrepreneurship, feasibility analysis, writing a business plan, developing business models, small scale business, ethical/legal foundation forms of business ownership, funding the new venture and franchising.



Burns, P. (2010). Entrepreneurship and small business: start-up growth and maturity. (3rd ed.).London, Palgrave Macmillan

Deakins, D. & Freel, M. (2000). Entrepreneurship and small firms. (4th ed.). London, McGraw- Hill Companies.

Harvard Business Review (1999).  Entrepreneurship. Harvard: Harvard Business School Press.

Kuenyehia, N. (2012). Kuenyehia on entrepreneurship, a contemporary approach. (5th ed.). Philadelphia, Harcourt College Publishers.

McGrath, R.G. and MacMillan I. (2000). The Entrepreneurial Mindset. Harvard: Harvard Business School Press.

Stokes, D., Wilson, N. & Mador, M. (2010). Entrepreneurship. Australia, South Western Cengage Learning.

Voohra, M. (2006). Entrepreneurial development. New Delhi, Anmol Publication, PVT, Ltd.


PCLV 205: FINANCIAL LITERACY                                                                                                           2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course is a general introduction to financial literacy to non-business students.


To provide students with the skills and concept needed to gain personal and financial responsibilities related to finance.


Emphasis is placed on areas such as financial planning, savings investment , insurance, buying, leasing, taxation, mortgage, house purchase, money management, credit and debt management, risk management, banking (and e-banking), planning for the future and health  insurance amongst others.



ACCA (2008). Paper F3-Financial Accounting, Wokingham, Kaplan Publishing

Elliot, B. & Elliot J. (2006). Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis, 8th Edition. Harlow:  Prentice Hall.

Wood, F. and Sangster, A. (2005) Business Accounting 1, 10th Edition.  Harlow: Prentice Hall.

PCLV 207:     INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE                                                                                      2 CREDITS

GOAL: The aim of the course is to examine governance in relation to various institutions including the state, business entities and civil societies (non-profit organizations).


  • To govern and the impact of governance on stakeholders of these institutions. In this context, the course is concerned with understanding governance as it relates to the various institutions.


Conceptualizing Governance and Discussing its Essence, Defining Good Governance, Defining Leadership as distinct from Management, Types, Styles and Qualities of Leadership, Winner-Takes-All Politics and Governance/Leadership/Development in Ghana, Relationship between Good Governance, Leadership and Development



Agyemang, K., (2011) Leadership, Governance and Ethic (Accra: Excellent Printing Press).

Bell S., (2002). Economic Governance and Institutional Dynamics (Melbourne: Oxford University Press).

Blackman D and Lejeune H. eds. (1990). Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice: Contributions and Controversies. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Fitch L.C. (1996). Making Democracy Work: The Life and Letters of Luther Halsey Gulick, 1892- 1993 (California: University of California Press).

Gyampo, R.E.V. (2013) The State of Political Institutions in Ghana, Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing Inc.

Kooiman J., (1993) “Social Political Governance: Introduction” in J. Kooiman (ed) Modern Governance: New Government- Society Interactions (SAGE Publications).

Kwakye, J.K. (2013) “The Price of Leadership Failings in Ghana” Legislative Alert, Vol. 20, No. 5 (September/October), pp 1-4.

World Bank, (1991). Managing Development- The Governance Dimension. Washington DC: World Bank.

PCLV 301: PEACE, CONFLICT AND DEVELOPMENT                                                                        2 CREDITS

Goal: The Peace and Development course is an interdisciplinary, holistic and intercultural one. This course provides a critical overview of theoretical and applied principles of Peace and Development Studies and allows the student to leverage these models to unpack violence, conflict and sustainable peace in the context of local to global social issues.


  • To understand the need to co-exist among people with different cultural backgrounds.
  • To be able to develop individual, social and professional skills to make peace and to transform conflicts by peaceful means.
  • To have basic knowledge in peace and development studies
  • To solve simple problems in the different disciplines and be able to recognise and define more complex problems in any of the other disciplines


Defining peace, conflict and violence, Peace as a process: peace keeping, making and building. Peace at many levels: individual, family, local/communal, national, international, global; direct and structural violence; other examples of violence: eg epistemological, cultural, ecological, economic and psychological; violent communication and verbal aggression. Non-violent social and political action: contemporary social movements that work toward building holistic, positive sustainable peace, the role of communication and language, the role of civil societies in peace and development.



Armah, Kwesi, (2005). Peace without Power: Ghana’s Foreign Policy, 1957-66  Accra: Ghana University Press

Erin McCandless and Tony Karbo (ed). (2011), Peace, Conflict and Development in Africa: A Reader. Switzerland: University of Peace

Deng, F. M., & Zartman, I. W. (eds.). (1991). Conflict resolution in Africa. Place: Brookings

Institution Press Zartman, I. W. (1989). Ripe for resolution: Conflict and intervention in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press on Demand.

The ECOWAS Protocol on Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution

Website Source

The Seville Statement on Violence available at:

United States Institute of Peace, (2008), Interfaith Conflict Resolution, United States Institute of Peace,


PCLV 302:     PRESBYTERIAN HERITAGE                                                                                          2 CREDITS

GOAL: The course is to equip students to appreciate what Presbyterian heritage means and help to develop those values in them.


  • Students to appreciate the importance of values such as honesty, hard work, truth, determination, commitment, excellence, humility, integrity and faith in God, and Godly leadership
  • To promote and develop Christian-based characters in the students.
  • To equip students to be instrument of change in their chosen field
  • To serve as a foundation on which students will shape a vision for their future and build a strategic plan for that vision.


The Reformers and their thoughts, Presbyterian history, Missionary Contributions, Presbyterian polity, The Core Values of the University, Godly Leadership,  selected Ghanaian missionaries and contemporary leaders, Social and Moral Principles, Spiritual Development of the Individual



Adair, J. (2003). Inspiring Leadership. London: Thorogood.

Adu-Amoah, A., (2011), Self-Discipline: A Key to Greatness. Accra: Pillars of Destiny Publication

Agyemang, F. (1978). We Presbyterians. Accra: Select Publications.

Asante, E. (2014) Theology and Society in Context: a Theologist’s Reflections on Selected Topics Accra: SonLife Press

Calvin, J. (1990), Institutes of the Christian Religion. London: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,

Geisler, N. L. and Randy D., (2007). Integrity at Work: finding your Ethical Compass in a Post-Enron World. Michigan: BakerBooks

Kwamena-Po, M. A (2011), Vision and Achievement: A Hundred and Fifty Years of the

Presbyterian Church of Ghana (1828 – 1978). Accra: Waterville Publishing House

Maxwell C. J. (2009), Thinking for a Change: 11 ways highly successful people Approach Life and work, Herbert Book Group, USA.

Noel, S. (1966). The Presbyterian Church of Ghana: 1835-1960. Accra: Ghana University Press,


PCLV 303:     SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                      2 CREDITS

GOAL: This course seeks to introduce students to a basic understanding of what constitutes sustainable development.


To complement courses which deal with natural and built environment, planning and management, all of which address, either explicitly, implicitly, development and sustainability issues.


Concept and principle of sustainability development and implementation mechanisms for sustainable development. Development policy planning, decision making and implementation with reference to sectors such as environment, industry, health, energy, water  human settlement and housing will be discussed. This course will also examine changes that industrial development and technological advancement has brought about to living patterns and the environment. Case studies from Ghana and elsewhere will be used to enhance students understanding of issues.



Dalal-Clayton, D. B. & Bass S. (2002). Sustainable development strategies: A resource book. Paris, New York: OECD/ UNDP.

Dorm-Adzobu, C (1995) New Roots: Institutionalizing Environmental Management in Africa.  World Resources Institute, Washington, D. C.

Kessler, J J (1997). An Introduction to Strategic Environmental Analysis: A Framework for  Planning and Integration of Environmental Care in Development Policies and Interventions. Amsterdam: Application for SNV -Netherlands Development Cooperation,  AID Environment,