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A Commendation and Thanksgiving Service has been organized by the University’s Chaplaincy at the Asante Akyem Campus for final year students of the University on 5th May 2024. The occasion was used to recognize and celebrate the achievements of the students during their four-year academic pursuits at the University.  

The service saw Faculty members, SRC, PASAG, PUCANMS, as well as students of other levels in attendance.

Speaking on the theme: CHOSEN FOR CHRIST TO SERVE, the Campus Chaplain, Rev.Dr. Eric Teye-Kau encouraged the students to always portray the attitude of service to humanity wherever they find themselves, especially in the health field just as Christ did.

The Reverend Minister further advised the final years, to be especially devoted and committed to any assignment given them. He said that by so doing, the world will know that indeed they are products of the Presbyterian University, Ghana.

Rev. Dr. Eric Teye-Kau also took the opportunity to commend all the final-year students for their exceptional performance in their academic and leadership roles. He prayed for them to attain greater heights in whatever leadership roles they may find themselves.

The students, in turn, donated chairs in support of the Asante Akyem Chaplaincy Committee (AACC) furniture project. The donation was spearheaded by the SRC.

Chairs donated to the Asante Akyem Chaplaincy Committee (AACC)

The University wishes all final year students every success and blessing in their future

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