Visitation to Forifori Prisons

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Led by the Charismatic Students Fellowship (CSF), the Okwahu Chaplaincy Committee organised pastoral visitation to Forifori Prisons in the Afram Plains on 1st December 2018. The visiting students fellowshipped with the prisoners.

They sang songs and danced in praise unto God. Rev. Dr. E. Y Blasu, the University Chaplain, gave a word of exhortation from Jeremiah 29:11. He admonished the prisoners not to look at their present situation and conclude that God has neglected them. Rev. Dr. Blasu encouraged them to hold fast their faith in Christ, praying for God’s purpose to be revealed and hoping for the best in God’s plan for their lives.

Donation of substantial assorted food items and toiletries was made to the prisoners and they, in turn, were grateful and requested for more of such visits and donations, especially for their health care.

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